
Hi there, reader! Here's some more info on who I am and why I'm doing this.

I was born and raised in the Northeast US where I live today. I was diagnosed with ADHD at a very young age, and was a hyperactive kid. As I grew up and eventually mellowed out that restlessness remained in my mind. When I came of age, that inability to control my thoughts and impulses collided with a series of personal crises that landed me in the hospital. The faith and assumptions that I was given in my upbringing were broken and I was swept up by the big questions that people much smarter than I have wrestled with for ages. Since then I've been trying to build myself into someone who prioritizes a peaceful life and develops an understanding of themselves. It's not easy.

Ever since I pulled myself out of that dark place and time I've been thinking about those big questions. I've gone through different phases and looked in different places for answers. I've come to appreciate and enjoy the search. I'll never come close to a full understanding, but it feels good to learn new things about yourself and the world you live in. Hence, this blog. Thanks for reading.

Background photo of the Alaska Range by Jacob Vizek via Unsplash